
The association’s Compliance and Ethical Conduct Manual, Version 2018, is available at the end of this page.

The theme of compliance has long been present in the Brazilian legal framework. Law nº 12,846/2013, known as the Anti-Corruption Law, consolidated commitments of international agreements to which Brazil is a signatory and began to provide for the objective liability, in the civil and administrative scope, of companies that practice harmful acts against the public administration, national or foreign currency, introducing into the Brazilian legal system the treatment of corruptors' conduct.

AEB Compliance and Ethical Conduct Manual, while reinforcing the commitment to obeying laws and moral and ethical principles, already inscribed in its Bylaws, also seeks to disseminate the culture of compliance and good governance, paying attention to the focus on procedures for complying with ethical conduct, fighting corruption, identifying conflicts of interest and controlling the application of the diversity strategy or non-discrimination of gender, ethnicity-racial (or any other species), non-practice of harassment (in all its forms), of unfair non-competition and of other illicit and/or offensive practices to morals and ethics.

The guidelines established therein must be observed by those who interact or will interact with AEB: employees, directors, associates, partners, collaborators, suppliers, sponsors and others that, in some way, integrate its network of activities. All are therefore invited to become aware of its content.

Access AEB Compliance and Ethical Conduct Manual here:

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